What are Intimate Sessions?
Intimate Sessions are private photography sessions for women and men ages 18 and over, to create portraits for you to present to your significant other as a romantic or creative gesture. These sessions will not be pornographic in any way, so please do not assume this.

What do I wear to my session, and how do I do my hair and make-up?
Anything you feel comfortable being photographed in. It is completely up to you and your imagination. As for your hair and make-up, this is completely up to you and what type of portraits you are seeking. You provide your own clothing, stockings, heels, etc. Props are always welcome.

Can my partner be in the pictures with me?
Yes, couples may take these shots together, although there are a several rules for these types of sessions. Please contact us for a list of these rules. Failure to abide by these rules will result in you being asked to leave the session without refund of your deposit or session fee.

Are my portraits shown to anyone besides me?
These portraits are private and unique, and will not be shared with anyone other than who you choose to share them with. If you do not mind us using your portraits for our galleries, you will have an opportunity to fill out a release form at the time of your session.

Where will we take my pictures, and can I bring friends or children?
These can be taken in our studio, in your home, or at your location of choice. We understand how taking your portraits alone can be uncomfortable to some people, so we do allow you to bring one adult person to your session. Multiple people (unless it is your partner) and children are not allowed.

Do you only take appointments during Valentine's season?
No, we provide this service year-round, but in order to receive them by Valentine's Day, you must make your appointment on or before February 1st.